Stingray: Equipment
Injector Tubes

Injector Tubes

Phones and Troy descend from the Standby Lounge on the injector seats to the launch area several fathoms beneath Marineville.

Pen 3

Stingray is docked in Pen Number Three and the crew enter through hatch number one. Once on board, the injection tubes are retracted, the vessel is lowered to the pen floor and Stingray proceeds through the ocean tunnel.

Pen 3
Ocean Door

Ocean Door

Stingray enters and exits the sea through the ocean door, a twelve inch toughened metal panel at the end of the tunnel.

On the Surface

Atomic engines heat seawater to drive the hydrojets that propel Stingray at up to 600 knots undersea and 400 knots on the surface.

Pier 3
Old 44

Old 44

Stingray is seen here with old World Navy Submarine number 44.

Troy at the Helm

Troy sits at the retractable steering column, with the operating controls to his left from where he can launch the Sting Missiles.

Troy at the Helm

Paul Jasper's Web Site | TelevisionStingray

Layout © 1997-1998 Paul Jasper. Last updated Monday January 07, 2002.
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