Thunderbirds Personnel

This page lists Vintage Thunderbirds Collectibles from the 1960s. Many of them are available second-hand through specialist book stores and Web sites.

Thunderbirds Annuals
Thunderbirds Novels
Thunderbirds Files
TV21 Annuals
Countdown Annuals
Lady Penelope Annuals




Thunderbirds Annuals

The following Thunderbirds Annuals were published in the UK in the 1960s and early 1970s.

Thunderbirds Annual 1966

Profile of International Rescue; specifications of Thunderbirds 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5; launch sequences for Thunderbirds 3, 2 and 1; plus Thunderbirds comic strips, stories, quizzes and games.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Thunderbirds Annual 1967

Secrets of Tracy Island; specifications of Firefly and the Mole; Thunderbirds 1, 2 and 3 launch bays; plus Thunderbirds comic strips, stories, quizzes and games.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Thunderbirds Annual 1968

Episode summaries; Thunderbirds Action Flashes; plus Thunderbirds comic strips, stories, quizzes and games.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Captain Scarlet and Thunderbirds Annual 1969

Secrets of Cloudbase; Cloudbase computer and medic-bay; the Women of Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet; plus Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet comic strips, stories, quizzes and games.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Thunderbirds Annual 1971

Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet and Joe 90 comic strips, stories, quizzes and games.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Thunderbirds Annual 1972

Thunderbirds comic strips, stories, quizzes and games.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Official Thunderbirds Annual 1992

Many years later, when Thunderbirds was finally re-shown on BBC2, Grandreams published a 64 page annual. Too many poor quality drawings, but some good profiles of the characters and reprints of 1960s TV21 comic strips. These are easy to come by at low prices!

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Official Thunderbirds Annual 1993

Similar to the 1992 edition.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

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Thunderbirds Novels

The following Thunderbirds novels were published in the UK in the 1960s. Several of them were reissued in the 1980s.

Thunderbirds by John Theydon

"You have seen it on television - International Rescue, a team of brave men, based on a Pacific Island, equipped with fantastic vehicles way ahead of their time. They all appear in this exciting story of Thunderbirds, TV's most compelling programme."

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Calling Thunderbirds by John Theydon

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Thunderbirds: Ring of Fire by John Theydon

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Thunderbirds Are Go by Angus P. Allan

"The Tracys in space! When the Hood threatens space craft Zero X, International Rescue agrees to help. The scientific miracles of the Thunderbirds' equipment are tested to the full in this thrilling new story."

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Lady Penelope: The Albanian Affair by John Theydon

"Lady Penelope to the rescue! The Gryphus, a sinister secret society centred on the Balkans, captures detailed photographs of the Thunderbirds. A frantic S.O.S. from Jeff Tracy puts Lady Penelope and her chauffeur Parker on the trail."

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

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Thunderbirds Files

In 1986 Psi Fi Movie Press in the United States published two editions of their File Magazine series devoted to Thunderbirds.

Thunderbirds Files Volume 1: International Rescue

Episode guide for first 16 shows, close-ups on the Thunderbirds movies and profiles of the Tracy family.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Thunderbirds Files Volume 2: Danger Awaits

Episode guide for shows 17 to 32, detailed descriptions of the vehicles, profiles of the supporting cast from the Hood to Lady Penelope and a look at Thunderbirds merchandise.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.



TV21 Annuals

The following TV21 Annuals containing Thunderbirds stories and information were published in the UK in the 1960s.

TV21 Annual 1965

"Featuring Fireball XL5; Stingray; Supercar; Lady Penelope; Burke's Law; My Favourite Martian; Contact 21 stories; Orbit; Truth about Space; Oceans of Mystery; Puzzles and an exciting cut-away drawing of Stingray."

Note the appearance of Lady Penelope before Thunderbirds was launched.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

TV21 Annual 1966

Supercar, Fireball XL5, Stingray, Thunderbirds, My Favourite Martian, 21 Special Agent, The Munsters and Get Smart.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

TV21 Annual 1967

Dateline 2066; Specifications for Fireflash and Junglecat; Thunderbirds, Fireball XL5, Zero X and Stingray comic strips, stories, quizzes and games.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

TV21 Annual 1968

Dateline 2067; Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Fireball XL5, Zero X and Stingray comic strips, stories, quizzes and games.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

TV21 Annual 1969

Dateline 2068; Spectrum off-duty; Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Fireball XL5, Zero X and Stingray comic strips, stories, quizzes and games.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

TV21 Annual 1971

Lists Joe 90 on the cover, but features no Gerry Anderson material at all.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

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Countdown Annuals

Countdown took up where TV21 left off, publishing two annuals in the UK in the early 1970s.

Countdown Annual 1972

Thunderbirds, UFO, Captain Scarlet, Joe 90, Secret Service and Dr Who comic strips, stories and puzzles.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Countdown Annual 1973

Thunderbirds, UFO, Captain Scarlet and Dr Who comic strips, stories and puzzles.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

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Lady Penelope Annuals

The following Lady Penelope Annuals were published in the UK in the 1960s.

Lady Penelope Annual 1966

Lady Penelope, Parker, Marina from Stingray, Space Family Robinson and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. comic strips, stories, horoscopes, quizzes and games.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Lady Penelope Annual 1967

Biographies of Lady Penelope and Parker; Graphology of the Thunderbirds characters; Secrets of Creighton-Ward Manor; plus Lady Penelope, Parker, Marina, Daktari and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. comic strips, stories, quizzes and games.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Lady Penelope Annual 1968

Lady Penelope, Parker, The Angels, Bewitched, The Monkees and The Spectrum comic strips, stories, quizzes and games.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Penelope Annual 1969

Lady Penelope, Parker and pop stars in comic strips, stories, quizzes and games.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Penelope Annual 1970

FAB-1; Meet the Angels; plus Lady Penelope comic strips, stories, quizzes and games.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.

Penelope Annual 1971

No remaining connection to Gerry Anderson.

Find this annual at ABE, Alibris or eBay.


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Layout © 1997-2002 Paul Jasper. Last updated Monday November 04, 2002.